Hey Y’all - I’m Bradley

Welcome to my Food Life. I’ve been cooking since I was just a tiny lil guy helping my Mom out in the kitchen. I’m cooking for 1, so I try and be creative to not get bored with what I make/eat. I love to test out food trends too! I’ll be posting recipes and videos below. Hopefully you find them useful…or at least entertaining!

Main Dishes, Pork Dishes Bradley Bohn Main Dishes, Pork Dishes Bradley Bohn


Stuffed Pork Chops - This meal with give you all the comfort food feelings you want or need if you are having a bad day! I used Pork Tenderloin that I tenderized out and stuffed with a Pork Flavored Stuffing Mix. This is a quick and easy 30 minute meal that you will want to put on repeat. Pair this with your favorite side dish.

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This is just a little journey into my cooking life. A side gig/hobby that keeps me grounded after my daily 9-5 work life. Hopefully you enjoy and find some inspiration for yourself!


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