Prep Time <2min / Cook Time 2-5 Min


  • 100-150g Bulgogi (Leftover from my takeout order but you can always pull up my bulgogi recipe if you want to make your own!)

  • ½ Cup Steamed White Rice

  • ¼ Cup Low Moisture Part Skim Mozzarella

  • 1 Tbsp Sriracha Sauce

  • 2 La Banderita Carb Counter Tortillas (Or regular ones are even tastier!)



1.     Place a sauté pan on your stovetop over medium heat.  This will be used to warm your tortillas

2.     While your pan is warming reheat the bulgogi and rice in the microwave

3.     During the reheat of your leftover Bulgogi and Rice, the pan should be warm enough to start warming your tortillas

4.     These low carb/calorie tortillas, do not overcook them to get start to get golden brown as it will make them stiff.  Only leave them on the pan long enough to warm through

5.     Once both tortillas are warmed through, divide half your rice and bulgogi mixture on each tortilla

6.     Sprinkle ½ of your mozzarella on each taco

7.     Top each taco with a drizzle of sriracha and enjoy


One of my favorite ways to repurpose leftover Korean food is by making tacos or burritos.  The Korean flavors mesh so well with Mexican fusion food preparation.  It also makes eating leftover much more enjoyable as it doesn’t feel like you are just eating the same thing just on repeat.  The next time you have bulgogi, galbi or spicy Korean chicken, roll it up in a tortilla with the leftover rice and make some tacos or burritos.  Add some traditional salsa on top or a pico de gallo and make a true Korean/Mexican fusion food!  Cilantro works so well with Korean food.  So, I can guarantee you will enjoy!!!


