Hey Y’all - I’m Bradley

Welcome to my Food Life. I’ve been cooking since I was just a tiny lil guy helping my Mom out in the kitchen. I’m cooking for 1, so I try and be creative to not get bored with what I make/eat. I love to test out food trends too! I’ll be posting recipes and videos below. Hopefully you find them useful…or at least entertaining!



Crispy BBQ Salmon Bites - I know why everyone is making these Air Frier Salmon Bites now!  These bites would make great appetizers for a party, a protein topping for a salad, or even a main dish protein to pair with rice and a veggie.  The slightly crispy edges and the sticky caramelized BBQ sauce complement the fattier section of the salmon tail and collar.

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This is just a little journey into my cooking life. A side gig/hobby that keeps me grounded after my daily 9-5 work life. Hopefully you enjoy and find some inspiration for yourself!


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